Day 7

18th April (Day7) 122km /462km / 168m / 2671m / 2% 7%
It was flat calm last night and slept well. Glade I paid the extra £6 for a sea view. The ferry got in 07.45 but that’s really 06.45 because of the hour on the clock.
Very easy to get out of the ferry terminal at Hook of Holland and clearly signed cycle tracks all the way to Rotterdam. I tried to be clever and bypass the centre but got caught out by the wet bits and ended up heading north! Luckily I met a cyclist going to see his brother in Rotterdam and he guided me back and made sure I bought a map of Holland!
Then I magically found the sign for the next town on my route and spent the rest of the day following the dykes to the eco village of Culemborg. The entire place is made from sustainable timber and have solar heating.

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